PR & Marketing: The Dynamic Duo

PR & Marketing: The Dynamic Duo

At Walt & Company, we have found it’s quite common for businesses – especially startups, small businesses or those without in-house comms teams – to have questions about the distinction between PR and Marketing.

Without a strong PR foundation, marketing efforts may lack trust, authenticity, and third-party validation, while PR without marketing can struggle to convert awareness into tangible business results. The most successful brands employ PR and Marketing, not as separate silos but complementary forces that amplify each other to build a cohesive brand narrative.

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Social Media and PR – Bridging Today’s Brand Communications

Social Media and PR – Bridging Today’s Brand Communications

In today’s digital landscape, social media has transformed the way organizations communicate with their audiences. Public Relations (PR), once dominated by press releases and traditional media outreach, has evolved into an interactive and dynamic practice, thanks to social media platforms. The relationship between social media and PR is now inseparable, providing brands with opportunities to engage, inform and manage their reputation in real time.

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Aitech Systems Signs Walt & Company as PR Partner

Aitech Systems Signs Walt & Company as PR Partner

CAMPBELL, Calif. – Jan. 30, 2025 – Walt & Company, an award-winning Silicon Valley tech public relations and social media agency, today announced it is working with Aitech Systems, a leading provider of rugged embedded systems for use in military aerospace and space platforms. With 40 years of experience, Aitech is the oldest and largest independent global high-tech manufacturer providing reliable, rugged embedded systems for a variety of high-profile defense, space and commercial programs across the globe.

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Work + Life: It’s All About Balance

Work + Life: It’s All About Balance

As a newish mom of two, work-life balance has taken on a completely different meaning than it did before. In the PR world where deadlines are tight, travel is the norm, client expectations are high, and the pace is quick, maintaining work-life balance can seem a bit overwhelming at times. And a couple of little ones add another layer to the balancing act. I know I’m not alone when I say it’s not easy juggling family, work and self-care. With barely over three years under my belt, I’m no expert, but I can tell you a few things that have helped me as I’ve taken on the new role as a working mom in PR.

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What Giving Campus Tours Taught Me About PR

What Giving Campus Tours Taught Me About PR

Have you ever looked back at a past decision and realized it unknowingly set you up for future success? In college, I led campus tours for prospective students. Many of us remember these tours—whether being in awe of the campus, overwhelmed by the idea of leaving home or cringing at our parents’ never-ending questions. These tours are often a stepping stone to making a major life decision.

As a marketing communication major, leading campus tours honed my skills, teaching me how to showcase the school in ways that appealed to different audiences. Little did I know at the time, it was the start of my career in PR. Following are three PR skills that I gained while giving these tours…

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The Pursuit of Knowledge: “No such thing as a stupid question"

The Pursuit of Knowledge: “No such thing as a stupid question"

There’s “no such thing as a dumb question.” It’s likely that we’ve all heard the phrase before. Perhaps it’s not universally applicable to every situation but for the purpose of learning, I would argue that the statement is true.

The concept that there are no dumb questions stems from the fact that everyone has a unique perspective and experience. In the field of PR, asking questions is critical. Without a deep understanding of clients, their business landscape and solutions, it’s just not possible to deliver effective communication efforts that fall in line with client's overarching objectives. “Fake it until you make it” only works to a certain extent.

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NYC Flashback: A Look Back at Early Media Events and Expanding My PR Skillset

NYC Flashback: A Look Back at Early Media Events and Expanding My PR Skillset

With summer upon us, I can’t help but feel nostalgic. This time of the year brings memories of my first trip to #NYC in 2013. I traveled with the #WaltCrew to host a three-day media event to brief 100+ analysts, bloggers and editors.

While a trip to go and experience NYC sounded like a lot of fun, it was also a lot of hard work. This was an extraordinary feat to accomplish and there were months of preparation to put together such an event.

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Inspirational Quotes to Motivate Career Growth

Inspirational Quotes to Motivate Career Growth

Maintaining motivation can be hard, regardless of the roles you hold at home or at work. As you advance in your career and take on more advanced tasks, you’re often expected to speak up and handle greater responsibilities. This can feel a little scary and overwhelming, especially when you’re “faking it till you make it.” During these times, I often find encouragement in inspirational quotes, the right quote for me can repeat in my head providing a quick boost of encouragement and confidence. Here are a few of my favorites that might help you too:

“Being fearless is having a lot of fears, but you jump anyway.” – Taylor Swift

Starting off with a good ‘ol Taylor Swift quote. This quote perfectly encapsulates the courage needed to face new challenges. Whether it’s traveling to attend an event for the first time, a local networking dinner, or tackling a new project, overcoming your fear of failure is crucial. Once you accomplish that, you’ll likely reflect on what you achieved with pride.

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Take a hike!

Take a hike!

Throughout my years in PR, I’ve noticed sometimes you need to step away from your computer to tackle a problem or think creatively about a project.

Whether having inspiration strike in the shower (I can’t be the only one, right?!) or just as I’m falling asleep, I’ve often found creativity come to me when I’m not at my computer.

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Navigating the Office: Essential Training Tips for New PR Professionals

Navigating the Office: Essential Training Tips for New PR Professionals

“Growth is uncomfortable.” This is something I’ve repeated over the years to interns and entry-level employees at Walt & Company. For new professionals, starting a job means embracing the discomfort of adapting to office life, collaborating with colleagues who have been in the industry for decades and understanding new, and often unspoken expectations. It’s an essential journey for career growth, but with the right mindset the transition can be easy.

I have always enjoyed working with interns and entry-level employees, sharing the tactical process of working, general office how-to’s and personal experiences that have grown my career, and in return watching them flourish.

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Hollywood’s Take on PR

Hollywood’s Take on PR

I came across W Magazine’s “Who is Television’s Ultimate Fashion PR Pro?,” which I thought was an interesting perspective and analysis of three fictional fashion industry PR gals and their work. As a PR gal who appreciates a good pop culture reference and is familiar with two of the three characters, I enjoyed the read.

The article got my brain jogging, thinking about just how many characters in shows and movies I’ve watched have careers in PR or PR-adjacent fields. It’s always interesting to see how Hollywood portrays a character that works in the same or a similar field as you – like Samantha Jones, who owns a PR firm in S*x and the City, Olivia Pope, the crisis communications queen (and queen of the White House, IMO) in Scandal or Alexis Rose, owner of Alexis Rose Communications, in Schitt’s Creek.

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Debunking A Few PR Fallacies

Debunking A Few PR Fallacies

I’d like to start this out by saying to all the kids out there who have had to move desks (perhaps several times) for talking too much in class, you may have a future career in Public Relations.

As a young “talker” myself, when being asked what I wanted to do when I grew up, my answer was often an actress. After several years of junior and senior high school drama – plus some dabbling early on in college – I decided the acting path wasn’t for me. I did, however, know that I wanted to work with the media in some capacity and in a field where “talking too much” would be appreciated (for the most part), instead of viewed as a distraction and forced to move.

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How a PR Mindset Prepared Me for a K-Pop Whirlwind Experience

How a PR Mindset Prepared Me for a K-Pop Whirlwind Experience

If there’s one thing I can emphatically say about myself, it’s that I’m a die-hard fan girl.  I love the Golden State Warriors. I love the San Francisco 49ers. And I love the K-Pop group BTS. (Not to be confused with the acronym for Behind The Scenes.)

If you’re in the PR industry, it’s almost imperative to have a die-hard, go big or go home approach to life.  That’s how you get the big interviews, the front-page stories and the home run hits for clients. It’s precisely this attitude that found me standing in line outside Central Park starting early evening the night before to attend Good Morning America’s Summer Concert that started at 7am the next morning.

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PR and Hospitality: How Eating Together Nourishes Our Connections

PR and Hospitality: How Eating Together Nourishes Our Connections

If you are ever invited to a Filipino home, you are likely to be greeted as part of the family and offered something to eat. Whether you have already eaten or are not hungry, you will be given a meal, snack or beverage – even if it is your first time meeting.

As a Filipino myself, I was raised valuing hospitality which is all about how we treat our guests. 

At Walt & Company, I’ve learned that hospitality is just as important in PR.

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It’s Hug a Newsperson Day…

It’s Hug a Newsperson Day…

From sharing local community education, society and technology updates to reporting on national initiatives that impact our world at large, reporters work hard to keep us informed of important and interesting updates in the world we live in.  Those of us in the PR world value the time spent with journalists, the incredible working relationships established over the years and the time they put in to preparing a story…

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